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AmeriPlan USA® Corporation... the nation's premier Provider Access Organization, saving its members hundreds of millions of dollars in supplemental healthcare benefits since 1992. AmeriPlan as a business opportunity has created one of the most dynamic, rewarding and affordable home-based businesses in America today. We have the Testimonials to prove it!!
Ameriplan: The Company
AmeriPlan company is the best company to work for. They have a great marketing plan as well as a great product with a huge outlook. There customer support system for members as well as brokers strengthens the company as we can see with the 90% retention rate. I am glad to be a part of this organization, especially with the future growth that is predicted with its additional benefits.
Saving Money
"I went to an Ameriplan ® dentist in my area. I received the following: initial exam, set of X-rays, regular cleaning, one amalgam and one white filling, and a gold crown replacement (no complications). The quote without Ameriplan ® was $1365 but using the plan I paid just $893.75, a savings of $471.75 . Now my wife will go over to see him as she needs a checkup too. We expect the good savings to continue."
Making Money
Thanks to Ameriplan ® and our Team 2000 system, I made $1,367 in my first 21 days making RSD. Made NSD in 9 months. We were thrilled to achieve $50,000/year in residual income in 20 months and $100,000/year in residual income in 27 months. Ameriplan ® is by far the best home business we've done in 20 years of this type of business.