About US : Cheaperplan.com
We at cheaperplan.com are an independant broker of AmeriplanUSA®® that strive on quality and customer service to the highest degree. We are devoted to help individuals like yourself acquire affordable heath care plans that otherwise would not be available due to the rising costs of health care. We have searched throughout the Internet as well as through other sources to find a suitable dealer of affordable health plans, a large network of providers, and a superior business model. Ameriplan® was by far is the #1 Premier Health Benefits plan.
We have also had a rewarding opportunity to help other individuals succeed in their own business by signing them up as brokers. We have been very successful in our endeavor and are striving to enhance that level of service to all of our brokers in our downline. We go by the quote from Archemedes "If you give me a wedge strong enough, and a level long enough, I could move the earth." Yes, we can move the earth so to speak, by giving our brokers the best leverage or tools that are currently available. We provide this through our regularly scheduled conference calls, serminar support, e-mail update, web-tips, and a personal mentor that will not only get you started in your business, but will be there throughout your career with Ameriplan. Think of this, its all common sense, the more profitable your business is, the more profitable my business is. It only makes sense that we do all we can for our brokers and that is our mission.