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Ameriplan Founders: Dennis & Daniel Bloom
For more than a decade, Ameriplan Corporation has been a leader in providing affordable discounted healthcare beneftis. We provide our members high quality healthcare at substantial savings. To the millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans, Ameriplan offers a very affordable alternative.
In addition to our traditional Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic benefits, we have developed additional services for our members, such as a Physicians and Hospitals Plan and a Veterinary Plan. These two plans, introduced in 2004, are greatly enhancing the growth ofthe company.
Now is the perfect time to be a part of Ameriplan.We are so very pround of our company, our employees, our Independent Sales Force, our members and our providers. The mission of providing quality, affordable health care is a partnership. Together, we can make a difference for millions of additional Americans in the coming years.