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Ameriplan affordable dental plan affordable health plan vision chiropractor veterinary care for dogs low cost health insurance affordable dental plan low-cost retire teeth tooth chiropractic prescription drugs app pak dentist medical cheap cost health insurance ameriplan broker lifetime residual income part-time full-time work-at-home make money save money business opportunity work at home based investment savings root canal Team 2000 six figure income part time full time extra money American plan savings doctor dentist optometrist glasses contact lenses insurance dentist care job future Daniel Bloom testimonial enroll provider overrides AmeriPlan corporation team 2K abr amr compensation home-based six-figure broker benefits broker retirement plan success stories member benefits affordable health insurance network marketing chiropractic care optical pharmacy paid daily low start up cost ameriplanusa cosmetic dentistry braces invisalign braces bleeching orthodontics surgery coverage sunglasses frames lenses lasik surgery rk alk eye exam dental exam crown filling discount health plan amerplan affordable health insurance ameriplan health amerplan ameripan amplan healthcare benefits discouted healthcare supplemental healthcare dental vision home business team 2000 veterinary plan for dogs dental insurance michael lancto mark jarvis chiropractic plan saving money retirement income fillings teeth cleaning dentures rx plan usameriplan profit customer teeth whitening dennis no deductibles health benefits uninsured healthplan underinsured pre-existing conditions uninsured hospitals physicians retire low cost hospital plan broker package veterinary plan home-business owners ibo app pak independent business owners dental care health care medication vision benefits chiropractic care health provider baby boomers affordable dental physicians hospitals plan the new york times associated press



"I went to an Ameriplan ® dentist in my area. I received the following: initial exam, set of X-rays, regular cleaning, one amalgam and one white filling, and a gold crown replacement (no complications). The quote without Ameriplan ® was $1365 but using the plan I paid just $893.75, a savings of $471.75 . Now my wife will go over to see him as she needs a checkup too. We expect the good savings to continue."

~~ Warren C. (CA)

"I had a crown done and saved $425 . Then my daughter had braces on a 2 year plan and our savings was almost $2,000 on her braces . We are thrilled"

~~ Michael (FL)

"I am very pleased with my AmeriPlan ®. So far I have had three teeth capped. My original dentist wanted $2400. Thanks to Ameriplan ® I have had them capped for $1300. The dentist on the AmeriPlan ® is a young caring dentist, and I am very satisfied with the results. I also was spending $300. per month for my prescriptions. I am saving $50. a month on this plan . So as you can see the plan pays for itself and puts money spent on dental care and prescriptions
back in my pocket. I am so grateful that I found out about this plan."

~~ Nancy M. (NY)

"My husband saved over $130 on his new pair of glasses just last week and I had my teeth cleaned for only $20. Amazing!! "

~~ Jessica W. (NC)

"I went to Pearl Vision to get a pair of progressive bi-focal glasses for my husband. They would have cost $399.90 and we saved $204 on his glasses. That's a 50% savings. Yes!!"

~~ Dolores W. (MN)

"I saved $117 on my glasses at Lenscrafters. Here the plan is called Coast to Coast....My glasses were costing $324...with the card it came down to $207. "

~~ Beverly W. (FL)

"When I signed up as a broker a few months ago, my wife took her card to Wal-Mart to get her Blood Pressure medicine refilled. She had been paying $38 a month. With the Ameriplan ® Card she paid $31, which was an 18% discount . Three months ago she told me she had to go to the Dr. the next day and get a new prescription. I remembered seeing a brochure about the mail order plan. I called them and told them what she was taking and they said it would be $40 for a 3 month supply! From the original price of $38 a month, this is a 65% savings! The first time we ordered it, it took about 6 days, including us mailing the prescription. We just reordered on Monday Jan. 20, and we got it on Wednesday Jan. 22. This is an outstanding benefit.

~~Danny S. (MO)

"Went to Wal-Mart and bought Clonazepam .5mg and it would have been $21.88 but with our FFIRX plan through AmeriPlan ® it was only $8.83. That's a 60% savings . We're thrilled."

~~ Julie L. (FL)

"I called to check on the five life time medications that they take to see what sort of savings they would receive on Ameriplan ® and found that by signing with Ameriplan ® they are going to save AN AMAZING $618 A MONTH!!!! Isn't that super? Where else could you get savings like that for such a small price to pay PLUS pick up dental, vision, & chiropractic for the entire household? I am so happy that I made the decision to get into Ameriplan ®.

~~ Mary C. (IL)

"I called the Mail Order Pharmacy Service and discovered that I am losing $74.28 each year purchasing my maintenance medication every month with a $10 CO-pay through my current insurance. Thanks Ameriplan ®."

~~ Cynthia A. (CO)

"I went again to the Chiropractor and found out I saved $60 on the initial consultation. That means I saved $100 on my first visit cause I went ahead and had the xrays and adjustment which I saved $40 on. I saved $10 again today so thats $110 so far. Will be $120 by the end of the week . Thanks again for your wonderful help!"

~~ Pastor Steve H. (FL)

"I called my Brokers - Judy and Alex. Alex had gotten hurt and they had to go to a Chiropractor there in Austin, Tx. What would have been a $400 first visit turned out to only be $102 with AmeriPlan ®!!!! They are thrilled!"

~~ Alyx M. (CO)























These stories are typical of those we hear everyday in AmeriPlan ®--stories of people like you who are benefiting far more than their monthly investment in the plan. For just $19.95 per month, they are receiving healthcare they could not otherwise afford so easily. These stories are why more than 90% of our members remain with AmeriPlan ®!




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Trademarks & Copyrights property of AmeriPlan Corporation, 2002, all rights reserved.  Used with permission.
AmeriPlan benefits are NOT insurance  /  Income Disclaimer
Ameriplan dental exam dental plan eye exam affordable health insurance retirement plan retirement income network marketing affordable health care tooth whitening ameriplan usa corporation veterinary care for dogs dentist optometrist crown filling discount vision chiropractor teeth tooth chiropractic plan prescription drugs savings dentist medical daniel bloom frames lenses cheap cost ameriplan broker residual income part-time full-time home-based six-figure work-at-home make money save money rx plan business opportunity healthplan ameriplanhealth low cost work at home based root canal team 2000 American plan member savings doctor glasses orthodontics contact lenses insurance dentist care job future testimonial enroll provider health insurance overrides AmeriPlan corporation team 2K eyes laser surgery denturesabr amr broker benefits success stories affordable benefits affordable health plan chiropractic optical pharmacy low start up cost part time full time extra money ameriplanusa financial freedom cosmetic dentistry braces invisalign six figure income braces compensation bleeching surgery coverage sunglasses teeth whitening denture lasik surgery rk alk health plan supplemental health care millionaire animal vaccination insurance plan baby boomer low cost health insurance commission health providers underinsured low-cost retire financial freedom lifetime medication dental insurance michael lancto mark jarvis veterinary plan for dogs team 2000 home-business dental vision supplemental healthcare discounted healthcare healthcare benefits amplan ameripan amerplan ameriplanhealth affordable health insurance plan ameriplan usa corporation tooth whitening dental insurance affordable health care