Ameriplan affordable dental plan affordable health plan vision chiropractor veterinary care for dogs low cost health insurance affordable dental plan low-cost retire teeth tooth chiropractic prescription drugs app pak dentist medical cheap cost health insurance ameriplan broker lifetime residual income part-time full-time work-at-home make money save money business opportunity work at home based investment savings root canal Team 2000 six figure income part time full time extra money American plan savings doctor dentist optometrist glasses contact lenses insurance dentist care job future Daniel Bloom testimonial enroll provider overrides AmeriPlan corporation team 2K abr
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chiropractic plan saving money retirement income fillings teeth cleaning dentures rx plan usameriplan profit customer teeth whitening dennis no deductibles health benefits uninsured healthplan underinsured pre-existing conditions uninsured hospitals physicians retire low cost hospital plan broker package veterinary plan home-business owners ibo app pak independent business owners dental care health care medication vision benefits chiropractic care health provider baby boomers affordable dental physicians hospitals plan the new york times associated press
AmeriPlan History
In 1992, twin brothers Dennis and Daniel Bloom saw the need for a value-oriented discounted fee-for-service dental plan and proceeded to develop one. The business they created was the direct result of the public's demand for affordable dental care services.
The market for Ameriplan services became so strong that providing quality, affordable supplemental healthcare became the company's mission. Once it was established that the dental plan was viable and marketable, prescription, vision and chiropractic benefits were added at no additional cost to members. The result was a comprehensive benefit plan with significant value to a large sement of the poplulation.
Once satisfied with the Plan, Dennis and Daniel set forth developing the most efficient and effectiveu system for bringing this much-needed service to the greates number of people in the shortest possible time. Through research, trial and error and perseverance, they determined that their objectives could be best met by implementing a unique marketing strategy. The reults have been incredibly successful. More than 75,000 Independent Business Owners now market the benefit plan nationwide.
AmeriPlan Corporation, under the capable guidance of the Blooms and their staff of professionals, is now positioned as the nation's leading discounted fee-for-services, dental, vision, prescription, and chiroptractic plan provider. AmeriPlan is continually striving to improve the plans and add new benefits for its members.