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Ameriplan affordable dental plan affordable health plan vision chiropractor veterinary care for dogs low cost health insurance affordable dental plan low-cost retire teeth tooth chiropractic prescription drugs app pak dentist medical cheap cost health insurance ameriplan broker lifetime residual income part-time full-time work-at-home make money save money business opportunity work at home based investment savings root canal Team 2000 six figure income part time full time extra money American plan savings doctor dentist optometrist glasses contact lenses insurance dentist care job future Daniel Bloom testimonial enroll provider overrides AmeriPlan corporation team 2K abr amr compensation home-based six-figure broker benefits broker retirement plan success stories member benefits affordable health insurance network marketing chiropractic care optical pharmacy paid daily low start up cost ameriplanusa cosmetic dentistry braces invisalign braces bleeching orthodontics surgery coverage sunglasses frames lenses lasik surgery rk alk eye exam dental exam crown filling discount health plan amerplan affordable health insurance ameriplan health amerplan ameripan amplan healthcare benefits discouted healthcare supplemental healthcare dental vision home business team 2000 veterinary plan for dogs dental insurance michael lancto mark jarvis chiropractic plan saving money retirement income fillings teeth cleaning dentures rx plan usameriplan profit customer teeth whitening dennis no deductibles health benefits uninsured healthplan underinsured pre-existing conditions uninsured hospitals physicians retire low cost hospital plan broker package veterinary plan home-business owners ibo app pak independent business owners dental care health care medication vision benefits chiropractic care health provider baby boomers affordable dental physicians hospitals plan the new york times associated press


One of the most significant messages in the many testimonials recieved from AmeriPlan® business partners is the way that AmeriPlan® contributes to time, lifestyle and financial freedom. With a compensation plan that provides incredible current income opportunities, plus the power of true, long-term residual income. Many direct sales companies claim to offer residual incombe but AmeriPlan® is truly "Delivering on the Promise."®

  • A 30% level residual income. Plus a 15-34% Manager's Override if you help 3 or more brokers.
  • With our WAVE 5 compensation plan, you not only can be paid a lot of money quickly, but you also build a lifetime, walk-away, retirement income with every plan you write.
  • With our program you can be fully vested for life (meaning you can WILL this business and 100% of the income to your next of kin) just as quickly as you make our first level of achievement (RSD). Many people make this within their first 30 days.
  • Incredibly Ameriplan® pays you ADVANCE COMMISSIONS (up to a $250 which is a 12 month advance) and these are paid to you DAILY!!!

Question: How can a company dare pay commisions in ADVANCE?
Answer: Due to Ameriplan's® high value and low cost, Ameriplan® enjoys the highest retention in the industry of our members. That means AmeriPlan® has confidence to pay our brokers advanced commissions.

Broker Commissions

Cost Description Advance Commission
Advance Period
$295 APP Pak including Ameriplan University™ $250
12 months
$95 Basic Broker without Ameriplan University™ $100
5 months
Your Income Potential Example #1
» Advance commission for 4 brokers at $295 initial startup cost $250 each
» Advance commission for 6 household members paying monthly $36 each
» RSD Bonus Achieved within 30 Days $500
» Initial Income on reaching your first pin level or RSD (Regional Sales Director) =
Your Income Potential Example #3
» Advance commission for 4 brokers at $95 initial startup cost $100 each
» Advance commission for 6 household members paying monthly $36 each
» RSD Bonus Achieved within 30 Days $500
» Initial Income on reaching the first pin level or RSD (Regional Sales Director) =
Many people reach this first level of achievement (RSD) in just 2-3 weeks, however there is no time limit for you reaching any level in AmeriPlan®.  However, you will receive a $500 bonus if you reach it within 30 days of your activation date.

Membership Commissions

$36 is your 6 month advance commission when you enroll a household membership that pays monthly.  Plus a $6 per month residual income thereafter.
$72 is your 12 month advance commission when you enroll a household membership that pays quarterly or annually. Plus a $6 per month residual income thereafter.

Example:  How to make $1,700 in the next 7 - 21 days !!!

$1000  = paid instantly to you for enrolling 4 App Pak brokers with AU.
$  216 = paid instantly to you for enrolling 6 household members
$  500 = $500 Bonus on reaching RSD within 30 Days

$2,016 = total commission paid up front to you

Example:  How to make $50,000 in the next 12 months !!!

Business Strategy? => Keep it SIMPLE and it will duplicate.


  • $       50 is what we average for every MEMBER we enroll
    $      200 per day is what we earn if we enroll 4 members per day
    $   1,000 per week is what we earn if we work 5 days per week
    $ 50,000 per year is what we earn if we take 2 weeks vacation per year PLUS ..

    30% level commission on EVERY broker and EVERY member you enroll.

    So ... $50,000 PLUS earned on YOUR own efforts, even if NO other brokers ever enroll to help you. That is AWESOME.

Now ... it really gets exciting ... Enroll just one broker can earn you $250 advanced commission IMMEDIATELY!!!

You can see how just ONE new broker per day (5 days/week) will make you $1,250 per week! So ... how much do you want to make?

It is not uncommon with AmeriPlan® brokers to consistantly work our business part-time for 2-4 years, and to have a lifetime residual income in excess of $100,000 per year!!
(This is an example but not a guarantee as itall depends on the actual business that you and your team produce.)

What you are about to see below is the most lucrative compensation structure built on the concept of rewarding success.

As a broker becomes RSD (Regional Sales Director) and SRSD (Senior Regional Sales Director) first, there's fantastic quick income.

Second, as a broker helps others in their organization become RSD and SRSD and the Ameriplan® "override" compensation will pay more money on more people than any other company or compensation you have ever seen. Here are some OVERRIDE Income Highlights:

  • Six Leadership Positions
  • Positions Now Available
  • Earn up to 34% Monthly Residual Builder's Bonus

Regional Sales Director - [Qualify: recruit 4 brokers and 6 members] = Receive a legacy income contract that is 100% vested for life and is Willable and Sellable in addition to your 30% monthly residual commission on personal production.

Senior Regional Sales Director - [A Paid-As RSD with 3 frontline Paid-As RSDs] = 15% monthly residual override paid on all 1st generation Regional Sales Directors' Sales Team Group Volumes and 30% monthly residual commission on personal production.

Executive Sales Director - [A Paid-As SRSD with 1 frontline Paid-As SRSD] = Receive an additional 10% monthly residual override paid on all 2nd generation Regional Sales Directors' Sales Team Group Volumes.

Senior Executive Sales Director - [A Paid-As SRSD with 2 frontline Paid-As SRSDs] = Receive an additional 5% monthly residual override paid on all 3rd generation Regional Sales Directors' Sales Team Group Volumes.

National Sales Director - [A Paid-As SRSD with 3 frontline Paid-As SRSDs] = Receive an additional 3% monthly residual override paid on all 4th generation Regional Sales Directors' Sales Team Group Volumes.

National Vice President - [Qualify: A Paid-As NSD with 4 frontline Paid-As NSDs, 3 second level Paid-As NSDs, 2 third level Paid-As NSDs, 1 fourth level Paid-As NSD, and $15,000 in Sales Group Volume] = Receive an additional 1% monthly residual override paid on all 5th generation Regional Sales Directors' Sales Team Group Volumes down through INFINITY (or until you reach another NVP).

Plus ALL the "Paid-As" Sales Directors (RSD, SRSD, ESD, SESD, NSD, and NVP) qualify for RSD Commissions of up to $100 when any one of your brokers recruits a broker that adds to your personal sales team!

Average people are making above average income in this business everyday with a service most people need at a price most people can afford!

If you would like to start enjoying above average income, Enroll Now!



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Trademarks & Copyrights property of AmeriPlan Corporation, 2002, all rights reserved.  Used with permission.
AmeriPlan benefits are NOT insurance  /  Income Disclaimer
Ameriplan dental exam dental plan eye exam affordable health insurance retirement plan retirement income network marketing affordable health care tooth whitening ameriplan usa corporation veterinary care for dogs dentist optometrist crown filling discount vision chiropractor teeth tooth chiropractic plan prescription drugs savings dentist medical daniel bloom frames lenses cheap cost ameriplan broker residual income part-time full-time home-based six-figure work-at-home make money save money rx plan business opportunity healthplan ameriplanhealth low cost work at home based root canal team 2000 American plan member savings doctor glasses orthodontics contact lenses insurance dentist care job future testimonial enroll provider health insurance overrides AmeriPlan corporation team 2K eyes laser surgery denturesabr amr broker benefits success stories affordable benefits affordable health plan chiropractic optical pharmacy low start up cost part time full time extra money ameriplanusa financial freedom cosmetic dentistry braces invisalign six figure income braces compensation bleeching surgery coverage sunglasses teeth whitening denture lasik surgery rk alk health plan supplemental health care millionaire animal vaccination insurance plan baby boomer low cost health insurance commission health providers underinsured low-cost retire financial freedom lifetime medication dental insurance michael lancto mark jarvis veterinary plan for dogs team 2000 home-business dental vision supplemental healthcare discounted healthcare healthcare benefits amplan ameripan amerplan ameriplanhealth affordable health insurance plan ameriplan usa corporation tooth whitening dental insurance affordable health care